Cristina is a researcher at the Research Centre on Child Studies, at the University of Minho (Portugal) and the Interactive Technologies Institute ITLARSyS. Her research focuses on the design, development and evaluation of innovative pedagogical materials. She is particularly interested in the intersection of traditional games, playful activities and new interactive technological solutions such as Digital Manipulatives or Tangible User Interfaces.
Maitê completed her PhD in Languages at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, with a collaborative period in the University of Birmingham (PDSE-Capes). She worked as a Professor at Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (IFRS/Brazil) and developed a postdoctoral project at Universidade Católica Portuguesa/Braga before joining the Mobeybou team. She has experience in Linguistics, with emphasis on Psycholinguistics and Cognitive Linguistics. She is particularly interested in the intersection of Cognitive Linguistics and Portuguese Teachers training, as well as in the contributions of Cognitive Linguistics to first language teaching.

Maitê Gil | Linguistics Researcher

Íris Pereira | Multiliteracies
Íris Susana Pires Pereira is Assistant Professor at the Institute of Education of the University of Minho, Portugal, where she also coordinates the research group ‘Technologies, Multiliteracies and Curriculum’ at the Research Centre in Education (CIEd). Her research focuses on multimodal literacy, pedagogy of multiliteracies, the education of Portuguese as L2, and teachers’ professional development.
Gabriela earned a BA in Fine Arts at FBAUP (Porto, Portugal), which included an Erasmus study period abroad in the animation department of KASK Ghent School of Arts (Ghent, Belgium). She recently finished an MA in Illustration and Animation at IPCA (Barcelos, Portugal). She has been working as a freelance illustrator and workshop teacher since 2015, in events such as Universidade Júnior, Cinanima, IndieJunior, Confia and many others. She is the illustrator of the Mobeybou team and in charge of the webdesign.

Gabriela Sá | Illustrator | Researcher

Francisco Sylla | Sound Designer

Francisco earned a BA in Music Technology from the Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa. He is currently working on individual and collective projects, exploring music production and sound design. In Mobeybou, Francisco is in charge of both of these fields, creating the audio for the game and the apps.
Ana Paula received a BA in Social Communication by the Catholic University of Pelotas (Brazil), with an emphasis in Advertising and Marketing. She is a self-taught artist with a background in art direction and creative direction in advertisement and has worked as lead 2D artist and 2D animator for a Brazilian game development company for the past 4 years. She received a MA in Illustration and Animation at IPCA (Barcelos, Portugal). She is the animator of the Mobeybou team.

Ana Paula Caruso | Animator | Researcher

Nuno Martins | Digital Media
Nuno Martins holds a PhD in Digital Media from the University of Porto, and was a doctoral fellow of the UT Austin-Portugal Program of the Foundation for Science and Technology. In 2020 he completed a post-doctoral degree in Design. His research work has focused on Design for digital media, with particular interest in the study of digital solutions for the citizen, namely community networks and practices. He also holds a MA in Multimedia Art and a BA in Communication Design from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto. He is currently Adjunct Professor at the School of Design (ESD) of the Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave (IPCA) and he is an Integrated Researcher of the Research Institute for Design, Media and Culture (ID+).
Demétrio Matos is Adjunct Professor at the School of Design of the Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave. PhD in Design, by the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Lisbon, in the area of knowledge of Industrial Design, Master in Industrial Design by the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto in partnership with the School of Arts and Design of Matosinhos, and graduated in Equipment Design by the School of Arts and Design of Matosinhos (ESAD). Member of the Research Institute in Design, Media and Culture (ID +), in the research group of the health area. The main areas of interest include industrial design, health design, human enhancement and inclusive design.

Demétrio Matos |Product Designer
Douglas is a professor at the Graphic Expression Department at Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil). He is currently doing his PhD in Design by the Federal University of Paraná (Brazil), investigating the interaction design of children’s digital picture books. He carried out part of his PhD studies at the Research Centre on Child Studies at University of Minho (Braga, Portugal), within the Mobeybou project. He designed Mobeybou’s brand identity and contributes as an interaction designer for the project.

Douglas Menegazzi | Designer | Researcher
Former Members

Bruno Amaro | Electrical Engineer
Bruno earned his MA in Electronic Engineering at the University of Minho. He was responsible for the initial development of the new Mobeybou hardware.
Vítor completed his MA in Informatics Engineering at the University of Minho (Braga, Portugal) and worked with ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) before joining the Mobeybou team. On his free time he usually doodles or works on his pet-projects, including: applications, games and, oftentimes, most of its art and sound effects/music. Vítor is the programmer in the Mobeybou project.
Tiago is an MA student at the Electronics Department at University of Minho. He is doing his Master thesis in the Mobeybou project, developing and prototyping a new hardware version of Mobeybou. The new Mobeybou blocks are wireless and made of wood.

Tiago Sampaio | Electrical Engineer