
Meeting the Challenges of Designing Multimodal Texts to Promote Multiliteracies Pedagogy || Enfrentando os Desafios do Design de Textos Multimodais Para Promover a Pedagogia das Multiliteracias

Pires Pereira, Íris S., Gil, M., & Sylla, C. M. (2023). Meeting the Challenges of Designing Multimodal Texts to Promote Multiliteracies Pedagogy || Enfrentando os Desafios do Design de Textos Multimodais Para Promover a Pedagogia das Multiliteracias. Comunicação E Sociedade, 43, e023008.

Para a construção da Teoria dos Multiletramentos. Dimensões ideacionais (e implicações pedagógicas) da multimodalidade textual numa StoryApp para crianças

Gil, M. M., Pires Pereira, I. S. ., & Sylla, C. (2023). La construcción del posicionamiento lector en una narrativa digital interactiva. Una discusión a la luz de la teoría de las multiliteracidades. Cultura, Lenguaje Y Representación, 30, 79–106.

Narrating by Doing: A Bridging Concept for Understanding and Informing the Design of Tangible Interfaces for Storytelling

Sylla, C., Gil, M.,Pereira, ISP. (2022). Narrating by Doing: A Bridging Concept for Understanding and Informing the Design of Tangible Interfaces for Storytelling, Interacting with Computers, Volume 33, Issue 6, November 2021, Pages 627–640.


Untangling the complexity of designing tools to support tangible and digital intercultural story telling in troubled times: a case in point
Sylla, C.; Gil, M.; Pereira, Í.S. (2022). Untangling the complexity of designing tools to support tangible and digital intercultural story telling in troubled times: a case in point.

Literacy 56 (1), 3-17.

t-books: A block interface for young children’s narrative construction

Sylla, C., Pires Pereira, I.,Brooks, E., Zagalo, N. (2018).
t-books: A block interface for young children’s narrative construction,
International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction,
Volume 18, 2018,Pages 59-66,


Evaluating Children's Engagement with Technology Through the Lens of the Grammar of Visual Design
Sylla, CM.,  Gil, M., Menegazzi, D., Landoni, M. (2024). Evaluating Children’s Engagement with Technology Through the Lens of the Grammar of Visual Design. In Proceedings of the 23rd Annual ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference (IDC ’24). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 189–200.

Acceptance rate 32%

Enhancing Autism Therapy through Smart Tangible-Based Digital Storytelling: Co-Design of Activities and Feasibility Study.
Guneysu, A., Silva Reis, H., Kuoppamäki, S., Sylla, CM. (2024). Enhancing Autism Therapy through Smart Tangible-Based Digital Storytelling: Co-Design of Activities and Feasibility Study. In Proceedings of the 23rd Annual ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference (IDC ’24). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 665–669.
M&M - MONNOM meets MOBEYBOU: Digital Interfaces for Children's Embodied Interaction.

Kay, I., Sylla, CM., Gil, M., Ozkar, M., Caruso, AP., Aydın, U. (2022). M&M – MONNOM meets MOBEYBOU: Digital Interfaces for Children’s Embodied Interaction. In Proceedings of the 21st Annual ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference (IDC ’22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 617–620.

The Procedural Nature of Interactive Digital Narratives and Early Literacy​

Sylla C., Gil M. (2020) The Procedural Nature of Interactive Digital Narratives and Early Literacy. In: Bosser AG., Millard D.E., Hargood C. (eds) Interactive Storytelling. ICIDS 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12497. Springer, Cham.

Acceptance rate 30,16%

Nominated for Best Paper Award

Fiddling, Pointing, Hovering, and Sliding: A Study of Embodied Actions with Three Evaluation Tools for Children

Sylla, C., Márquez Segura, E., DeWitt, A., Sabbir Arif, A., Brooks, E. (2019). Fiddling, Pointing, Hovering and Sliding: A Study of Embodied Actions with Three Evaluation Tools for Children. In Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, CHI Play ’19, pp. 59-72, Barcelona, Spain, October 22-25. doi>10.1145/3311350.3347170

Acceptance rate 28%

Designing Manipulative Tools for Creative Multi and Cross-cultural Storytelling

Sylla, C., Pereira, I., Sá, G. (2019). Designing Manipulative Tools for Creative Multi and Cross-cultural Storytelling. In Proceedings of the 12th conference on Creativity & Cognition, C&C’19, pp. 396-406, San Diego, CA, USA, June 23-26. doi>10.1145/3325480.3325501

Acceptance rate 28%

Multiculturalism and Creativity in Storytelling – Visual Development of a Digital Manipulative for Young Children

Sá, G., Sylla, C., Menegazzi, D., Caruso, A. P. (2019). Multiculturalism and Creativity in Storytelling – Visual Development of a Digital Manipulative for Young Children. In Proceedings of the 12th conference on Creativity and Cognition, C&C’19, pp. 369-381,  San Diego, CA, USA, June 23-26. doi>10.1145/3325480.3326571

Acceptance rate 30%

Designing Narrative Learning in the Digital Era
Sylla, C., Martins, V., Sá, G., Caruso, A. P., Amaro, B., Menegazzi, B., Sylla, F. (2019). Designing Narrative Learning in the Digital Era. In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI ’19 Extended Abstracts, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, May 4-9. New York, USA, ACM Press. doi>10.1145/3290607.3312937
Mobeybou - A Digital Manipulative for Multicultural Narrative Creation

Sylla, C., Martins, V., Sá, G., Caruso, A. P., Amaro, B., Menegazzi, B., Sylla, F. (2019). In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI ’19 Video Showcase, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, May 4-9.

Touch to Read: Investigating the Readers’ Interaction Experience in Mediated Reading to Design Story Apps

Menegazzi D., Sylla C. (2020) Touch to Read: Investigating the Readers’ Interaction Experience in Mediated Reading to Design Story Apps. In: Brooks A., Brooks E. (eds) Interactivity, Game Creation, Design, Learning, and Innovation. ArtsIT 2019, DLI 2019. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, vol 328. Springer, Cham.

Best Paper Award

Rethinking the Design of Hotspots in Children’s Digital Picturebooks: Insights from an Exploratory Study

Menegazzi D., Sylla C., Padovani S. (2020) Rethinking the Design of Hotspots in Children’s Digital Picturebooks: Insights from an Exploratory Study. In: Sylla C., Iurgel I. (eds) Technology, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Education. TIE 2019. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, vol 307. Springer, Cham.

Visual Development Processes for a Multicultural Storytelling Tool

Sá, G., Sylla, C., Menegazzi, D., Caruso, A. P. (2019). Visual Development Processes for a Multicultural Storytelling Tool (pp. 348-358). In Proceedings of the 7th CONFIA – 7th International Conference on Illustration and Animation, Viana do Castelo, Portugal, June 14-15.

Animating for a Digital Manipulative: How to Create Restricted Action Libraries without Restricting the Players' Creativity

Caruso, A. P., Sylla, C., Sá, G., Tavares, P. (2019). Animating for a Digital Manipulative: How to create restricted action libraries without restricting the players’ creativity (pp. 238-246). In Proceedings of the 7th CONFIA – 7th International Conference on Illustration and Animation, Viana do Castelo, Portugal, June 14-15.

A Preliminary Study of Interactivity on Visual Narrative in Children’s Story Apps

Menegazzi, D.; Sylla, C.; Padovani. S. A Preliminary Study of Interactivity on Visual Narrative in Children’s Story Apps. Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Illustration and Animation, IPCA – Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, Barcelos, PT, jul. 2018b, p. 636 – 644.    

Hotspots em Livros Infantis Digitais: um Estudo de Classificação das Funções

Menegazzi, D.; Sylla, C.; Padovani. S. Hotspots em livros infantis digitais: um estudo de classificação das funções. In: Proceedings of Digicom 2018 – 2nd International Conference on Design and Digital Communication. Barcelos, Portugal, out. 2018c. p. 45 – 56.

O Design de um Método para Avaliação da Experiência de Interação em Leitura Mediada com Livros Infantis em Dispositivos Móveis

Menegazzi, D.; Sylla, C.; Padovani. S. O design de um método para avaliação da experiência de interação em leitura mediada com livros infantis em dispositivos móveis, p. 2916-2932 . In: Anais do 9º CIDI | Congresso Internacional de Design da Informação, edição 2019 e do 9º CONGIC | Congresso Nacional de Iniciação Científica em Design da Informação. São Paulo: Blucher, 2019. ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/9cidi-congic-4.0270

A Literatura Infantil Digital: o Design das Histórias Interativas

Menegazzi, D.; Sylla, C. A Literatura Infantil Digital: o design das histórias interativas. Educação, Ciência e Cultura, v. 24, n. 2, 2019, p. 81-96. 8. MENEGAZZI, D. O Design de interfaces de livros infantis apps: uma revisão das características e recomendações. Textura, Canoas v. 20 n. 43 p. 215-239, maio/ago 2018.

Hotspots in picture books apps: an investigation of the perception of readers from interaction research

Menegazzi, D.; Sylla, C.; Padovani. S. (2018) Hotspots in picture books apps: an investigation of the perception of readers from interaction research. In: Conference Synergy and Contradiction – How Picturebooks and Picture Books Work. University of Cambridge, Cambridge, 2018a, p. 39 – 41. 13.