Latest News
* Mobeybou in Angola is now available for free download.
* Mobeybou storyMaker is available for free download. Check out our Apps page!
** Mobeybou in Portugal, Mobeybou in Brazil, Mobeybou in Cape Verde, have each over 1k downloads!
Coming soon

Mobeybou in China
Mobeybou is composed by a set of tools that aim at promoting the development of cognitive, social & language skills, within a multicultural framework.
OUT investigates how the Mobeybou materials can promote the development of multiliteracies, collaboration skills, & intercultural sensitivity in Early Childhood, & how teachers/educators can support children in this learning.
Children use the Mobeybou tools, i.e., a digital manipulative, and a storyMaker as authoring tools to create their own personal narratives. A set of story apps inform the children about the various cultures.
Learn about other cultures with our interactive story apps
Scan the QRCode to get your free download for iOS and Android, or or go our Apps page to get the download link. There you can also download a computer version for Mac and windows. Have fun!

School Visits and Workshops
The Mobeybou tools are being used in primary schools. Find more about these field studies in the blog page.

Irene Cadime

Cristina Parente
Early Education

Juliana Félix

Luis Rafael
Former Members
Current Master Students
Previous Work
These are the projects that paved the way to the creation of Mobeybou.
TOK – Touch, Organize, Create – is a platform consisting of an electronic surface that connects to a computer or tablet and identifies TOK blocks placed on it.
t-words is an interface for children to playfully explore sounds, words and sentences, while developing preliterate skills.
t-books consists of an electronic board, a book with slots and a set of picture cards that children place on the book to interact and explore the narrative.
Contact Us
If you’re interested in knowing more about the project or talk about a possible collaboration, don’t hesitate.
Send us a message to mobeybouproject@gmail.com
OUTOnce Upon a Time: a Kit of Tools for Fostering Children’s Development of Multiliteracies, Collaboration Skills, and Intercultural Sensitivity PTDC/CED-EDG/0736/2021 || Period 02-01-2022 to 01-01-2025 – Financed by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and technology (FCT).
MOBEYBOU Moving Beyond Boundaries – Designing Narrative Learning in the Digital Era |POCI/01/0145/FEDER/032580|| Period 01-05-2018 to 30-04-2022 – Financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalization (POCI) – COMPETE 2020, under Portugal 2020, and by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)